a tent made of the skins of deer, moose, buffalo, etc., as certain wigwams, teepees, or tupeks.
1743(1949)One of these [log] tents 14 foot Long 7 foot wide 3 foot high will conveniently stove 14 men, they are not so subject to smoak as the skin tents, and Reckon'd much warmer.
1848Over the poles (if he is a good hunter, and has plenty of deer-skins) he spreads the skin tent, leaving an opening at the top for the egress of the smoke.
1887The dwellings of the Innuit are the skin-tent and the snow-hut.
1951And so, after a few moments of instruction in that stifling skin tent, to the music of the maddening, gnattering insects outside, Komayak the shaman became a Christian.